
Area Mommy & Daughter Duo Promote Fitness

January 10, 2020

Meet Jackie and Janae’ Madison! They believe in fitness and overall health. Although the mother and daughter duo is often seen exercising around Atlanta Metropolitan, don't be misguided. Jackie is a working mother who juggles a career and family. The 51 year old can identify with the typical busy working mom. She knows first hand how challenging it can be to balance life. Yet, she will tell you that there are no excuses for not trying. Jackie has a personal reason for wanting to stay fit. As a professional in the medical industry, she knows the serious consequences of poor health. Obesity is at an all time high in the U.S for both adults and kids alike. So Jackie consistently exercises but has incorporated her eager 8 year old daughter Janae’ into her routine.  It's truly a family affair! 


“It’s really rewarding to workout with my daughter because I see how much she enjoys hanging out with me and the fun she has when we are doing it together," said health advocate Jackie Madison. " It’s our own special bonding time with fitness and fun.  I started Glamour Girl Fitness at the age of 43 after giving birth to my 2nd child. I wanted other moms to feel what I felt. I never looked or felt better in my entire life! I want to encourage other moms to keep pushing.”


As a certified lifestyle and weight management specialist, Madison believes that it's time for women everywhere to make their health a priority.  By working in the medical industry, she realized her passion for helping individuals  achieve their own personal healthy lifestyles. Her purpose and passion in life is to motivate fabulous women and families everywhere. Jackie and Janae’ started their signature Mommy and Me Program which aims to motivate real moms and kids everywhere. The popular duo enjoy speaking to community members about healthy choices. Fitness should be a family affair. Both Jackie and Janae’ are great role models for all community members. 



To find out more about Jackie & Janae' Madison, please visit


Facebook: @GlamourGirlStyleFitness

Instagram: @getfitglamourgirlstyle