
5 Ways to Keep Your Kids Safe in a Pool or Lake

By Fatimah Ferebee June 30, 2017

My son Cameron loves the pool. As a baby I referred to him as a "fish" because of his love for the water. Your kids are probably also eager to swim in your private pool or visit one of the community pools this summer . Wherever your children are swimming this summer you want to make sure they are safe. Here are some tips. 

1. Take a CPR course - CPR is a procedure that consists of chest compressions and mouth to mouth resuscitation. This procedure will help you if your child's heart stops beating or if they are not breathing adequately. This can happen as a result of choking, head trauma, or near drowning.Hopefully you will never have to use it but it won't hurt to have this knowledge.

2. Have your child wear floaties! - Floaties are cute, fun, and safe! When choosing a flotation device make sure it is approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. Toy floaties should not be considered as a safety precaution. 

3. Make sure there is a lifeguard on duty. The lifeguard should have working equipment and a phone. Also, keep your phone outside with you near the pool or lake in case you have to make an emergency phone call.

4. Sign your kid up for swimming lessons. The American Academy of Pediatrics has conducted studies that have shown that swimming lessons for children ages 1 to 4 may reduce the risk of drowning. Try to find a program that follows the YMCA guidelines for swim instruction.

5. Never leave your child unattended in a body of water. Not even for a moment. Anyone watching a child in a pool should learn CPR and be able to rescue the child if needed. 

This is just a brief list of some of the things we can do to protect our children while swimming this summer. Of course the most important tip is to HAVE FUN responsibly. Let's make sure that we all do our due diligence in keeping our kids safe this Summer. If you're out at a public pool keep an eye on not only your kids, but other kids that are in the pool also. Share some of these tips with moms and dads that you meet while having water fun with your children. 

Photographer: Frank McKenna